
类别:文学名著 作者:唐纳德·巴塞尔姆 本章:-4





    quot;I AS fair once,quot; Jane said. quot;I  of to be in my po tter days. Noivate my malice. It is a cultivated malice, not tural malice o one anoto memory as into a sloug I . I ed neies of malice, t men  seen before no not for t t I am total malice. But I am redeemed by tinuum, still. Even  artful, ricly poisonous netes in tential I am surrounded by. I t sit ly in t morning, and remember better days. taurant tea at 10 a.m. to tter days. Yes, t  o spend t;

    At t put es lap. A sentative gesture. S it lay t  is tering Gibsons, to make us  remembered trout Amandine icking to Kevins leg. It remely tasty, t trout. And  remembered tion in  ture ter t one, allo t ranslation, and not in te is agitated. S somet;reputation.quot;  o become a public scandal,  not be seen in public en famille, no one believes t sc. etc. t our establis ed no special interest in tterly disappointed. Seil;My suffering is autic enoug it e-block quality. to t of about ts on t is possible of course t trut ment. One ent oneself le falsity of color films of un score. t .quot;

    Miseries and complaints of Sno;I am tired of being just a ;


    Alt knoempt to enmesoday I believe from a lack of connection  is common kno, t it may not even be true. It may be t ed, for all I kno assumption, t ed, and t fall as you  I feel t if you neglect t. t is merely my private opinion. No police pos it. I gaard, for not listening, for . t for t, in our society. Not yet. But to t. You and I, Mr. Quistgaard, are not in t  previously, but t of tter is, t . e exist in different universes of discourse. No may o you, prior to your receipt of tter, t ted, and puttered about, e and satisfactory. It may never o t otinct from your oed, o t t ed en do. t is certainly one , if fat self-satisfied complacency is your aim. But I say unto you, Mr. Quistgaard, t even a plenum can leak. Even a plenum, cre, can be penetrated. Neo your plenum displacing old t gaard, is impervious to tuation noting t Street, less, and your all bro, able American scene. But I, Jane Villiers de IIsle-Adam, am in possession of your telepgaard. t t means. It means t at any moment I can pierce your plenum elep, Mr. Quistgaard, in seeing tening situation. t I inject discourse from my u. of d. into your u. of d., ted. t, te. Soon you y plenum, or rat is a contradiction in terms, over a former plenum, in terms of yourness. You are, essentially, in my po an unlisted number.

    Yours faithfully,


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