类别:文学名著 作者:查尔斯·兰姆 本章:THE CHILD-ANGEL, A Dream

    I ctiest, oddest, fantastical t, t you s;Loves of t; and  to bed ions, suggested by t extraordinary legend. It o innumerable conjectures, and, I remember, t ,  of ;.quot;

    I ransported,  -- but to some celestial region. It  t t Bible  a kind of fairyland   and air itself, I ion.

    Met --  -- at  an angels gossiping.

    came, or  came, or s os little cloudy swaddling bands -- a Child-Angel.

    Sun-tial napery of s princely cradle. All tcs yet closed eyes,  one, and tude and appre not sucained al infants, but as if to explore its pats unary palaces -- inguisitter t time spared not celestial visages! Nor ed to my seeming -- O t car,

    -- wals caudle call below --

    Nor ing faces of female ministrants, -- stricken in years, as it migerous tendants to counterfeit kindly similitudes of earto greet, errestrial ces t, wo heaven.

    tial  in full symputored, but, as loudest instruments on eartentimes, muffled, so to accommodate tter to t-born. And,  sprang forttering its rudiments of pinions -- but forto t o see  round in inually its , ing t angelic nutriment, anon tering -- still caugo put forts, and to fall fluttering, because its birt of the unmixed vigour of heaven.

    And a name o t o be called Ge-Urania, because its production h and heaven.

    And it could not taste of deats adoption into immortal palaces: but it o knoy, and it  , but in its goings it exceeded all mortal cness. ty first sprang up in angelic bosoms, and yearnings (like touc t of tal lame one.

    And  tuitive Essences, rife to tures (not grief), put back t intelligences, and reduce to degrees and sloo adapt to tion (as must needs be) of t intuitive notices t repel (by reason t ture is, to kno once), tter part of its nature, aspired to receive into its understanding, so t y and Aspiration  on even-paced in truction of the glorious Amphibium.

    But, by reason t Mature y is too gross to breat super-subtle region, its portion o be a child for ever.

    And because t of it mig press into t and ins adoption, tured angels tended it by turns in ts, like t came: so Love, ary y, ed upon tertainment of ted.

    And myriads of years rolled round (in dreams time is notill it kept, and is to keep, perpetual cutelar Genius of Cill goes lame and lovely.

    By tting by terrestrial Ada not ts its lineaments, nevert celestial orp y of terrestrial. And t to be understood but by dreams.

    And in to read,  once tal passion, upspringing on tal love (sucal love for a moment to suspend tant in ation, and, depositing a raig Adahe river Pison.

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