类别:文学名著 作者:查尔斯·兰姆 本章:THE WEDDING

    I do not knoer pleased t being invited last o be present at ter. I like to make one at to us old people give back our youtore our gayest season, in ts, scarcely less tender, of our oments, in t of a settlement. On to be in good-er, and enjoy a reflected  a family, I am flattered emporary adoptions into a friends family. I feel a sort of cousined into degrees of affinity, and, in ticipated socialities of ttle community, I lay doake it unkindly to be left out, even o my subject. ---

    tself tled, but its celebration o deferred, to an almost unreasonable state of suspense in tracted upon t of too early marriages of females. uring any time to t lengtsracted -- upon ty of putting off ty, till ted ieto be afraid t a suit, s ardours, mig last be lingered on, till passion ime to cool, and love go out in t. But a little o trained notions, joined to some serious expostulations on t of ies of tleman, could not promise ourselves many years enjoyment of o bring matters to a conclusion during ime, at lengt ter of my old friend, Admiral ---, tained teen ed to t cousin J---, wold some few years older.

    Before t of my female readers express tion at time occasioned to terous notions of my old friend, to consider tance urally feels at parting o t cases may be traced t betences of interest or prudence may be  to cover it. tedness of faters, a sure and moving topic, but is t sometender, to say no more of it, in times in to tear al stock, and commit o strange graftings? tened ance, o be an only c understand tters experimentally, but I can make a s t upon t is no neion, I believe, t a lover in most cases o be feared as tainly ts, rictly cen by t name. Mot over, for t tection transferred to a ion and a loss to ty to ternal. Motrembling foresigs to be conceived in t) of a life of forlorn celibacy, cail upon tinct is a surer guide opic. to tinct may be imputed, and by it alone may be excused, tifices, by s of ters, ain ive indifference. A little sion, forernal importunity receives tue. -- But tays, werously assume hreshold.

    Nor let any of my female readers suppose t tions endency of application to t  to venture upon a cion, at a mature and competent age, and not  t approbation of all parties. I only deprecate very y marriages.

    It  t an early o give time for a little dejeune aftero y of friends ed. e le before truck eight.

    Noters -- on to give tunity of sed all in green. I am ill at describing female apparel, but,  tar in vestments ed in robes, suc become Dianas nympers indeed -- as suc yet come to tion of putting off cold virginity. t being so blest as to old, keep single for toget, t ts of t (so inauspicious to terrupted and provoking . Gallant girls! eacim hy of Iphigenia!

    I do not kno in solemn places. I cannot divest me of an unseasonable disposition to levity upon t a out for a public functionary. Ceremony and I  I could not resist tunities of t un o act as parent on to me at t serious of all moments -- a sense of my unfitness to ion, of t young creature beside me. I fear I rayed to some ligors eye of Saint Mildreds in try is no trifle of a rebuke -- ant, souring my incipient jest to tristful severities of a funeral.

    to upon t ed to me after t---s, be accounted a solecism. So say t sleman before me give a to be tume of an autage sanctions it -- t to er colour ed censure. But I could perceive t t (God bless tent, if I . But I got over t of Pilpay, or some Indian auted to ts   feat;; tolerably reconciled t , and sulations, and kissing aears, and kissings from urn, till a young lady,  at te s;none left.quot;

    My friend triking contrast to  of personal appearance.  once som ever at udies) to betray tragglers of  of tful satisfaction. I trembled for t lengter a protracted breakfast of tores of cold foongues, argoes, dried fruits, c. can deserve so meagre an appellation -- to carry off tom o try, upon  us return to ts.

    As age,

    the eyes of men

    Are idly bent on  enters next,

    so idly did  old ale. None sipt  -- it  mucicipated so far. Even ty of full satisfaction, t rayed itself t deportment of o o someto take tay. e seemed assembled upon a silly occasion. In t tarrying and departure, I must do justice to a foolisalent of mine, o disgrace in t of t to all manner of strange nonsense. In t sovereign. I rattled off some of my most excellent absurdities. All o be relieved, at any expense of reason, from tolerable vacuum le. By tunate in keeping togetter part of to a late  (te game) rokes of cunely on  till midnigleman at last to ively easy spirits.

    I  my old friends various times since. I do not knoing place ly at rangely t of confusion. Every body is at cross purposes, yet t is so mucter ty. Contradictory orders, servants pulling one er and mistress driving some ot botors rised: candles disposed by c off ea and supper at once, or tter preceding t and t conferring, yet eac topic, eacanding rying to understand or s and politics, cical economy, cards and conversation on nautical matters, going on at once,  tinguis altoget perfect concordia discors you s  some quite  sill enjoys  o fill it for rument stands ood, but se toucimes for a s minute appease ts. , as Marvel expresses it, to quot;make iny ;   come out  so too, looks as if sed some younger body to scold and set to rig is o erest in  absolutely disposed of. the house is flown. Emily is married.

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