类别:文学名著 作者:菲利普·西德尼 本章:POEM: A FAREWELL

    Oft  no lengt die, men say, t: Depart:  a le to my mind, eakly did seem to paint Deat.

    But noars, range course, do bind Me one to leave, ; I s faint and blind, t parting t part I part.

    Part of my life, t to me, Lives to impart my  t good part ure is a death:

    Yea, s bot, still living in annoy.

    * * * Finding t ever love, to mar my mind, and  to please, I deemed it best, some absence for to prove, If fart furto ease.

    My eyes t, Blinded forto t of guiding sighe sky.

    In absence blind, and  o greater urn; Even as to t, t h burn:

    Fair co live or die A blinded mole, or else a burned fly.

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