类别:文学名著 作者:菲利普·西德尼 本章:POEM: ODE

    o my deadly pleasure, o my lively torment, Lady, mine eyes remained Joined, alas! to your beams.

    ity, tied to virtue; Reason abasired; Gladly my senses yielded.

    Gladly my senses yielding, to betray my s fort, Left me devoid of all life.

    to t, o w ened.

    Like to t  liked,  met.

    Yet, yet, a life to the life of all love.

    For t sense, Yet do h live in you.

    turned aneo t aye turns, As you, alas! my sun bends.

    to rise to live to a c.

    t be from you; t I t I seek is in you; All  is you.

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