Chapter 5

类别:文学名著 作者:奥修 本章:Chapter 5

    Find Your Own ay

    30 October 1969 pm in Meditation Camp at D, India

    Question 1


    YOU  th.



    ruter ttention to t t ty in t and as life; in terms of ones personality, ws of w I describe as I.

    ty oo.


    Certainly, you royed, turned into dust, erased.

    er trut to remind you of t t o die.

    And otally false, I  to remind you t here is someone else who will never die.

    And t is different from o be life, a life  death.

    Botrue; taneously true.

    If you take only one of to be true, you  be able to compreruth.

    If someone says t ty, t darkness is a reality, .

    Darkness exists and so does the shadow.

    And if someone else says t too.

    darkness does not ive existence.

    If I ask you to bring me a couple of bags of darkness, you  be able to.

    A room is filled o t, you  be able to.

    Or, if I say, quot;If darkness is in t out,quot; you o.

    is because darkness ive existence; darkness is merely t.

    Alts, nevert is only t.

    And so if someone o say t.

    t and t, but thing like darkness as such.

    ts  , but hing.

    If you  to remove darkness, you o bring in darkness, you  out t.


    You are jogging along the road.

    Your s also runs h you.

    Everyone can see t.

    And yet it can be said t t ity of its own.

    ts because your body obstructs t.

    is covered by your body, a s obstructed.

    If o make a he glass.

    is .

    So if a person says ts,  wrong.

    But truth.

    t exist.


    ts and yet does not exist.

    But  see anyt is divided into t parts.

    Once a man ried for murder.

    ted nesses.

    One ness said, quot;tted in tars she sky.

    I saars as he murder.

    quot; ness ted inside to a wall.

    tains on tanding beside tained h blood.

    took place inside the house.


    the judge was puzzled.

    elling truthem was lying.

    to laugh.

    t was so funny.

    t;Let me tell you t bot.

    te; t yet been laid -- tars could be seen above.

    took place under t close to to tains.

    t ready; t yet done.

    So bot.


    Life is so complicated t even tradictory in it turn out to be right.

    Life is highly complex.

    Life is not t is -- it contains many contradictions; it is very vast.

    In one sense, deatest truto an end; ed royed.

    tituting our whey will all die.

    And yet deat the son and who will never die.

    t ther and who will never die.

    t t from te, more tive -- who will never die.

    t the body who never dies.

    Botaneously true.

    So boto be kept in mind to understand ture of death.

    Question 2




    to be understood here.

    One is: if someted as a superstition  researcigating it properly, t is tantamount to creating an even greater superstition; it sitious mind.

    One man believes ts and evil spirits and you call itious; you believe t makes you feel t you are very knowledgeable.

    But tion is: ition? If someone believes ts and evil spirits  any investigation, t is superstition; and if someone else believes t investigation, t is superstition too.

    Superstition means believing somet kno to be true.

    Just because someone rary to yours does not mean itious.

    A believer in God can be as gullible as a nonbeliever.

    e must understand tion of superstition.

    It means to believe in somet verification.

    titious ats; titious ts -- both.

    to discover t to be so, nor ried to ascertain t God is before believing it to be so.

    So do not be mistaken in t ts alone are superstitious; ats itions too.

    And trange t tific superstition.

    It sounds contradictory: ific superstition?

    If you udied geometry, you must ion h.

    Noitious th.

    Caug a point est scientist ion t a point h.

    Can a point exist  length?

    e are all used to ts one through nine.

    One may ition? s? No scientist can explain ws.

    seven? s  ticians -- Liebnitz  along s.

    en, eleven, teen; ty, ty-one, ty-ty-three.

    em , and o prove him wrong.

    ioned ts.

    Later on, Einstein said t even ts are also unnecessary, t one can even get along   , but one can manage wo.

    t ts in matics is a scientific superstition.

    But tician is not ready to give up either.

    ;s?quot; So t a belief too; it .

    From a scientific point of vieo be rig tually superstitions.

    Scientists are also superstitious, and in titions are fading itions are growing.

    t if you ask a religious person o kno God  is ten in ta, and if you ask o knos in aritic,  is ten in sucicians book.

    is ta, in tics.

    is to understand  by superstition.

    Superstition means t w .

    e accept many t many t kno titious too.

    Suppose a man in a village is possessed by a g.

    Educated people  is superstition.

    Let us assume ted people are superstitious; ious because, being uneducated, to offer any argument in favor of their belief.

    So all ted people of tain t tory of t is fake, but t kno at a university like ment conducting researco gs and spirits.

    tment ed pographem.

    t, currently, some ists are deeply involved in researco gs and spirits, and tained so many results t sooner or later to see t it ed men, ious, and t titious may not   t.

    If you read Ryon or Oliver Lodge, you will be amazed.

    Oliver Lodge ist.

    t igating gs and spirits.

    Before  a document in rut rue as gs and spirits.

    But ious educated do not care to find out about the world.


    If one man says  superstition.

    In Russia, ists, the name of Fiodev.

    Russian scientist.

    Sitting in Mosco any visible means, to tting a tiflis.

    tifically and found to be correct.

    Scientists are engaged in ter it ravel.

    In t of a mecists can establisact ravelers.

    Ot forever.

    It is out of t Russian scientists are conducting intensive researco telepatounding results.

    Fiodev carried out he help of a friend.

    A tiflis,  in ayed in toucher.

    After a w a man  on bencen.

    o send to go to sleep es.

    to himself.

    Fiodev began sending ions -- t quot;You are relaxing, you are relaxing.

    quot; From a distance of a tes Fiodev suggested intensely, quot;Go to sleep, go to sleep,quot; and, concentrating on bencen, inued suggesting t, quot;Go to sleep, go to sleep.

    quot; In exactly tes tting on tte fallen from his hands.

    But this could have been a coincidence.

    Perting on tired and so he had fallen asleep.

    And so told Fiodev t t t it could be a coincidence, so o es.

    Fiodev kept suggesting to t man to es precisely t up.

    total stranger;  hing unusual.

    t;Yes, I certainly did.

    I was very puzzled.

    I came o  for somebody, and suddenly I felt t my body  to fall asleep.

    I lost control and  to sleep.

    And t strongly as if someone elling me Get up, get up.

    Get up in seven minutes! I cant figure any of t.

    quot; t had happened.

    Communication of t  any medium ific trut an educated man  superstition.

    It is possible t a sick man in one toos not too difficult.

    Its also possible t a snakebite can be ance of t mucy to it.

    But t kinds of superstitions.

    And remember, tition of an educated man is al of an uneducated man, because ted man does not consider ition to be superstition.

    For  is a result arrived at after great deliberation.

    Noo break tition.

    First make sure the process.

    Chere are any.

    if t also make sure t o be broken does not o be an ornament you may o remake.

    All tion.

    I am absolutely against superstition; all kinds of superstitions must be destroyed -- but t mean t I am superstitious about truction.

    It does not mean one s destroying t a clear understanding of t  due consideration one s upon breaking them.

    trary destruction ition.

    Every age s oitions.

    Remember, superstitions oo.

    In every age superstitions take on a new form.

    Man drops old superstitions and takes on ne s rid of ters them.

    But his.

    For example, once upon a time tition t tilak, the forehead mark, was considered religious.

    ilak to do  ts t ood.

    And someone ilak was looked down upon as irreligious.

    tition is no longer in vogue.

    Noions, equally as foolish.

    If a man ie inguisherwise he is considered ordinary.

    It is t all.

    tie ilak, whe same.

    here any difference?

    tie is no better tilak.

    Pers even  least to applying tilak.

    tie ely no meaning in try, alt may ry.

    A tie is useful in cold countries  t against cold.

    In tries, a man o cover  against t obviously be a poor man.

    A man of means is able to cover  ie; s a tie around  country suc seems a little scary -- one wonders w or insane!

    to be affluent does not mean one o suffer from  or his noose around his neck.

    A tie means a noose; a tie means a knot.

    Using it in a cold country makes sense, but in a  country it is totally meaningless.

    And yet, a man rate, ttorney, tician -- is out tilak itious! One can ;Isnt ie a superstition too? ific system are you applying, t you ied tie around your neck?quot; But since tie is a superstition of t is acceptable, and since tilak is a superstition of t, it is unacceptable.

    As I said earlier, as tie ries, applying a tilak can also   first looking into it, it is utterly dangerous and o call it a superstition rig  as to wilak is applied.

    People mostly apply it out of superstition; ific reason  time.

    Actually, tilak is applied on t t betwo eyes wed.

    Even tle meditation t gets ;  cools doion of sandalwood.

    tion of sandalec no is lost; people are not concerned  science anymore.

    Noion or not.

    It is strange to find people ies in  countries.

    earing a tie can ific basis in cold countries, and similarly, a tilak ific meaning for one es on t spot.

    Meditating on timulation occurs and  is created in t area -- and it needs cooling do will he brain.

    But ermined to remove tilak altogetake it a pointlessly, but  from t for his own reason.

    And if  remove it, ious.

    I am saying is t termine itious and .

    Actually, tition under one condition and scientific under different conditions.

    Somet appear to be scientific under a certain condition may appear unscientific under a different set of conditions.

    For example, in tibet tice of taking a bate scientific, because t in tibet and, being in a cold climate, people do not s.

    So t need to bathe.

    taking a bat o lose muc.

    And o replace t ? It could prove very costly to stay uncovered in tibet.

    If man o keep y percent more food to replace t.

    In a place like India, if a man goes about  clote.

    Ma country like t leaves t feels inside.

    But if a folloibet naked, o be admitted to a mental asylum.

    to appear in tibet like tely unscientific, stupid.

    But ts  always happens.

    ibetan lama comes to India, hes.

    Once I stayed ibetan lamas in Bodh Gaya.

    tinking so badly it orture to sit near them.

    , t;e follohing only once a year.

    quot; tinction betition and science.

    t  is a superstition in India.

    inking  realizing t t all around.

    e  tries  all.

    came to India aken to Agra to see taj Ma taking shape.

    opped, got out and stood righe whirlwind.

    he was so happy.

    ;I am so lucky, I have never had such an experience before.

    quot; e  feel lucky to be caug.

    But .

    It ing experience for  is for us when we are in snow.

    ed we feel whe himalayas.

    So dont get into breaking to be c first taking into consideration tions, and their usefulness.

    A scientific mind is t es.

    A man ific mind never makes a decision in e, saying, quot;t and t is wrong.

    quot; Rat;Per, but let me search more and more.

    quot; Even at to a decision and says y, quot;Okay, troy it.

    quot; Life is so mysterious t note terms.

    All ;So far, ; -- ts all.

    A man ific attitude ;Based on tion available so far, suc seem to be rigoday; ion it may appear rigomorrow.

    Somet today may prove to be omorrow.

    quot; Sucy decision about w is rig is wrong.

    h an inquiring and humble mind.

    to a superstition, and t.

    to a superstition is t it spares us trouble of t everyone else believes.

    e dont even  to ask t, or ws so.

    s to bothe crowd.

    Its convenient to itions.

    And t to crack superstitions -- t too is very convenient.

    to be rational,  actually being rational.

    Its not easy to be rational; to see tionally is to strain every nerve.

    to t becomes difficult for o make any categorical statement.

    And so atements are alional.

    ;Under sucions it is valid not to batibet,  is utterly superstitious not to bathe in India.

    quot; tionally his kind of language.

    On t roying ts to destroy certain things.

    I say: go aroy -- to be destroyed -- but t t o be destroyed, lessness.

    tendency to act  first giving sometional t is t needs to be destroyed.

    So  means is: if you destroy somet first giving it proper t, truction has no value.

    tendency to tionally o be created, and tendency to believe tlessly o be destroyed.

    to see different contexts, deeper meanings.

    tensive searchink and reason.


    Psyc, and teresting t psycly tcor did in the villages.

    Noive sect created by Cuvier.

    Cuvier cor did, except t Cuvier is a scientist and ific terminology -- ot everythere is no difference.

    You o kno o a sick man in t superstition.

    And yet, it ively, and people are cured in tion as reatment.

    It is very interesting -- tio.

    Many experiments are being carried out in this area.

    A unique experiment ed in a London al.

    A ients o two groups.

    Fifty ion, ed er.

    And t tio of cured patients in bothe same.

    So tion was raised: ws going on?

    In vie, it became necessary to examine the issue more closely.

    And  t medicine is being given, self.

    Also, even tself, does not work so mucor is.

    A lesser knoor fails in reatment not because  know  only because  very well known.

    A or impresses a patient at once.

    ittire, t up,  for an appointment, tanding in line -- you are already so impressed t le effect.

    trut to be a good doctor you dont need a first class kno knoising.

    tion is how well you can publicize yourself.

    Publicity pays more, not the medicine.

    Recently, a medical survey revealed t in France t eig one y thousand quacks.

    ient gets tired of ticing phose who have no knowledge of medicine.

    But trick of o treat a patient.

    ts w.

    Can you imagine -- all t kinds of paturopatomacer cors charms work.

    Even s of not tiny sugar pills, works.


    So tion arises: ient get tle dust and cures ients, to to be concerned about ions or not.

    teto cure patients tific means.

    But a magic is oo -- tethoscope.

    I know one quack.

    y, and yet ients I sent to ients wors.

    t; anding of ure.

    Actually, ts o be a professional po reatment, your diagnosis ed in suc ill being diagnosed.

    remely clever doctor; all otors feel quite intimidated by him.

    ing room able on  lie down.

    Above tients c ethoscope.

    traption is connected to transparent tubes containing colored er.

    etraption to tients c, tbeat causes ter in tube to jump.

    tient looks at ter and is convinced o a great doctor indeed; or before.

    t of stet t  connect it to cer in tubes, and tient t or.

    Do you knoes prescriptions in sucing? t if you could read it, you  is suc you could even go and buy it in t -- and so it is deliberately ten  you are unable to read it.

    truto take tion back to tor,  be able to figure out en.

    Anoteresting t to be ten in Latin and Greek.

    to e in Englisi, you een rupees for an injection; you  is not a concoction of caraway seeds.


    It is tients a pinch of ash.

    But t be effective either if he looks like an ordinary man.

    If  will .

    And if to be , virtuous, kind and trutive.

    If it is kno  c  even toucrifying effect.

    So it is not t  is tors w work.

    It needs careful consideration inue, because, if you ban type of cure, oto be found to replace them.

    It never ends.

    Man must be made to t  fall sick out of ignorance, so t  bring pseudo illnesses upon himself.

    As long as fake illnesses keep ors will keep on appearing as well.

    If you remove these, new ones will be born.

    types of treatment in t to decide o be successful in curing illnesses.

    And they do cure illnesses.

    to t becomes clear t ts somewhe human mind.

    As long as ts in treatments inue to exist.

    so mucting an end to the human mind.

    If ting,  be surrounded by annoying troubles.

    It is not t you go and collect asributes it in a village -- no, it is because you are eager to collect ts ribute it.

    No one becomes your leader on  you cannot live for a second  one; ts he leader.

    If you remove one leader, you hird.

    And, in fact, .

    And so leaders all over tion parties.

    t omatically elect t tired of t.

    ts y politics goes on all over the world.

    Everywhe same.

    I  elections.

    A friend of mine, an old resident of Raipur, ed several times as a member of parliament, but time ed.

    Anototally unknotled in Raipur ed in his place.

    I asked my friend his happened.

    otal neion?

    ;Its very clear.

    People oo used to me.

    t know .

    Dont  ed too.

    I ime until then.

    By the upper hand.


    Deep do is not a question of  leader, ition or t superstition -- t is not the issue.

    tion is to bring about a fundamental change in man.

    A scientific mind  care muc superstition, but superstition inue to exist as long as man is content h his blindness.

    If a man is not ready to open o exist.

    And let me ask: rut  to see.

    ts wsoever we fancy.

    life is like?  you never  to do, because things.

    Everyone considers o be absolutely pious, a mama.

    If o open o est sinner of all hin himself.

    to see t, of course, because t  for o be a mama.

    And so s o himself.

    And not only t, in doing so  ell  a great mama he is.

    thering followers.

    Around e in keeping him blind.

    And tricks for collecting people; incredible deceptions are practiced in t.

    One of tricks for gato keep on sing, quot;Dont come near me! I dont  anyone around me!quot; People are terribly impressed rick.

    to such a man.

    ter tma think he is.

    An ordinary mama  taff and sends them away.

    he shows no concern for anyone.

    I  a man who had wandered a beach in California for years.


    tory t  around about   if you offered en-dollar bill and a dime, he dime cheerfully.

    ts  he was.

    Out of curiosity, a man visited imes and always found him surrounded by a crowd.

    People ;Baba,  -- t?quot; and  once, saying , .

    People found  man.

    t o believe t even after so many years t recognize a ten-dollar bill! t oo mucer t;I c ty years, and I am astoniso find this game going on for so long.

    Do you still not recognize a ten-dollar bill?quot;

    t;I kne en-dollar bill from t day, but if I  topped righere.

    By not recognizing ted dimes from tators.

    If I recognize it once, t erwards.

    So if I really  to make money, t spurn ricart piling up on their own.

    I anding of thing; my job is going very well.

    During t up to five he crowd.

    tinue for sure.


    tma also knoalk to  money, ouc.

    But ting nearby,  tma never touches money!

    can anyone do if a man s to remain blind? upid enougo do anyt it? t fello the cause of mischief.

    those people who approach him.

    It is because of to put on t.

    Let me tell you t if  done it, somebody else would hing.

    And people are stupid: o do  somebody to snatchem.

    s inue.

    t to an end roy tupidity of man.

    So dont oo muc breaking tition, because if the same he will make new ones.

    live  chains.

    te new chains.

    All religions strive to break tes a new che same.

    the world has seen so many religions.

    to bring about reforms; tent to eradicate all prevailing superstitions, but in troying superstitions nots destroyed.

    Of course, titions replace t about change.

    In fact, an intelligent man never o anyt even to any belief, let alone to superstition.

    elligently;  o anything.

    es any chere is immense joy in living in freedom.

    Dont create any chains.

    So tion is to ae a desire in o become free, to become intelligent, to become self-realized, to be filled h awareness.

    If tendency to live blindly -- to become a folloitions would crumble.

    But in t case it  be t one kind of superstition  once.

    Othey will remain forever.

    Actually, o be understood is t nothes.

    Let anyone wear wsoever he pleases.

    If someone s to o  him do so.

    one needs to realize is t a c equal a change in ones life.

    Once to cely replace thes of a new kind.

    A sannyasin, o see Gandold o serve try.

    Gandold .

    ;ts fine, but first you will o give up your oche way of your service.

    Generally, people serve them.

    quot; true.

    But tton.

    Nohes never did before.

    difference  made? Noing service.

    ted as muchose who are wearing khadi are doing now.

    So ko be very costly for try.

    t ition about oc noition of khadi.

    s the difference?

    tion is not of letting people drop one take on another.

    tion is to come to understand t very mentality hings.

    Gand s mans intelligence; upid as ever.

    very o do so.

    But  make? t has always been.

    For t five tory of y  misfortune.

    By an effort to break doition ion -- but tes a neition.

    ever we offer, .

    quot;All rig; ;let it be this.

    Ill drop tition and o t; And ition.

    A young man used to visit me.

    Day and nigo talk about tures.

    a, t.

    I told ;Stop all this nonsense.

    You !quot;  nevertinued to visit me.

    Someone ops visiting you, because anger also brings you into a relationship.

    ainly angry at me, yet ill kept coming.

    As t by and as ouched him.

    One day o me and said, quot;I bundled up ta, them all in a well.


    quot;ell you to t; I asked.

    quot;I o empty my so make room for your books.

    No; he said.

    I said, quot;But t.

    Nothing has changed.

    I elling you not to agree h a book.

    I never asked you to t book ao my book.

    difference ;

    tition is held by people.

    titions keep cinues to remain superstitious.

    So I told to to too.

    ; be possible?quot; , ed.

    So I said, quot;t was.

    Now my book a.

    a? If you needed to carry someta  -- it served your purpose; it o you.


    t ill is.

    simply  man remains toys change.

    I feel very akes my toy; I feel delig at last someone aken my idea.

    My ego finds satisfaction in seeing t someone arted to believe more in me than in Krishna.

    But t bring about a cy; y can never be benefited by this.

    o be concerned about is o break, from ality t grabs on to things.

    how can man overcome his blindness?

    I suggest to t set about breaking doitions; instead, citious mind.

    C mind ion, so t a neake birth.

    But it is an arduous task; it  deal of effort.

    It is not an easy job.

    to be accomplis ific t.

    Dont be in suco deny tence of gs and evil spirits.

    than you.

    ty about tence, but you will o explore.

    And it so often  ts also begin to deny tence.

    t because t -- t  gs to exist, because if ts it  to walk down a dark alley.

    So in a loud voice ting, quot;ts.

    Absolutely! It is all superstition; roy tition!quot;  ts.

    If ts it  of trouble, so t exist in t place -- ts the wish.

    Sucs nonexistent.

    If gs are, they are.

    or not, it makes no difference.

    is, is, and its better igate it -- because s is related to us in one  is bound to be so.

    is more appropriate to understand to recognize to find o establisact o figure out o interact hem.

    Its not an easy matter.

    ty space you see bet necessarily be empty.

    tting there.

    You may not be able to see s a different matter.

    But t somebody migting ten you, so  leave an empty space, ick together.

    e are aly space; ts ures of gods and goddesses, anything.

    Being in an empty space, being in an empty ened.

    e fill ty space is left.

    Even ty of empty space ogety.

    And it s own science.

    If one s to ion, it can be done.

    One can systematically  is an independent science; it s ohods.

    or do not exist.

    It is better to suspend your judgment, to keep your conclusions in abeyance for a  know.

    If asked , it ic of tific mind to ans;I dont knoo it yet.

    Also, I  even looked into myself yet.

    s? I am not even able to find myself as yet!quot; So never be in a o answer yes or no.

    Someone ious.

    Keep thinking, keep searching.

    An intelligent man, in fact,  reluctance.

    Once somebody asked Einstein iated betist and a superstitious man.

    Einstein replied, quot;If you ask one ions to a man of superstition, o offer a hundred and one answers.

    And if you ask one ions to a scientist, e ignorance about ninety-eighem.

    About tle, but t kno ultimate; it can comorrow.


    Remember, a scientific mind is tless mind.

    A superstitious mind is not.

    But in appearance, it looks te.

    It looks as if a superstitious mind is very simple, but it is not; it is very complex and cunning.

    test cunning of titious mind is t it affirms t has no knowledge of.

    A person  even kno a rock lying at ep, but in o prove  and your God is wrong,  and kill people.

    If, as yet,  even explain w a rock is

    And  a rock is Moo easily prove t God is  ing to violence s ts are committed for must all be rooted in superstition.

    People never come to bloters pertaining to kno is impossible.

    , rest assured superstition is titious man s to prove t t ; her means.

    If a man o jump on me and put a so my t saying, quot;tell me I am rig; --  t doesnt prove .

    No one  by chopping off somebodys head.

    Even if all t toget -- just as t if togeto slaughe Mohammedans.

    tupid, nothing else.

    ? But ts to titious man.

    it ot suc? , ion.

    is right.

    All over this.

    I am not saying t only religious leaders are involved in sucs of violence, ticians are no different.

    tled ther means.

    It is exactly t of foolishness.

    Is t can be resolved as to ermined  be by t be? It ermined tion of t -- but man is not yet free to till beset by superstition.

    So remember, my emp on breaking titious mind t creates these chains.

    If t mind persists, tter  e new ones.

    And remember, neters are far more attractive, more lovable, more o.

    And remember too: tronger to make chains is also more developed, more advanced.

    It often occurs to me t titions only succeed in providing mucougitions as substitutes for t ones -- t.

    titious mind o be discarded, or else it ition.

    Be cogitative, and make otative also.

    quot;Be cogitativequot; means: tive.

    Speak only after you  experience, and still admit readily t your experience is not necessarily right.

    People may omorrow.

    You may even o go t experiences, and it is not certain t  an ion.

    So until t experience  is better not to say anyt it.

    ts  conducts an experiment, repeats it a times, makes a t, and only t some kind of a conclusion.

    And even then he never reaches a final conclusion.

    One o reachink.

    A man in a o reacably fills ition.

    And  hurry.

    A friend, in ion, y is searc yet been able to find! he asks:

    Question 3


    s to kno all of tantly.

    A man in sucedly become superstitious.

    Searc patience, tremendous patience: it doesnt matter if  find ime, but inue to search.

    In fact, for one ive, attaining is not important -- searching is.

    For a man of superstition, attaining is important, seeking is totally unimportant.

    A superstitious man is anxious to knoain.

    quot;; he asks.

    muc finding out w.

    interested in t of God; t is not ea.

    ;You seek hen show me.

    quot; ts w looking for a guru.

    o end up being superstitious --  stop s of t.

    In fact, looking for a guru implies, quot;You have found, now please show us.

    Since you  is t in our searco your feet.

    Please give us ained.

    quot; to place his hand on your head and have you realize God.

    So people are ing mantras, becoming initiates, paying fees, massaging feet, serving, in t ained can become their own.

    this can never happen.

    titious mind.

    Someone elses ac can never become yours.

    t poor fello in searc to  free? And remember, if  also  one attains t by asking.

    And so  even create any disciples.

    Only ter disciples  attained.

    to some othem.

    to gain from ther.

    Many gurus are already dead, and yet people o thing.

    to eaching.

    titious mind.

    teristic of a searcion of a reflective mind is, quot;If then I will search for him.

    If I succeed in finding  , my birt.

    If I ever find  ion, my sacrifice, my meditation.

    It  of my effort.


    And remember, if God does become available free, a cogitative individual urn him down.

    ;It is not rigo accept somet  come out of my o.

    I tain t.

    quot; And bear in mind tain ttained t.

    God is not one of t, a piece of merchandise available anywhere.

    trut one of ticles sold in a department store w.

    But sucores are open.

    tores, t;Real truth Available here.

    quot; Even trutificial kind! On every s;ter lives here.

    t are all fake masters; they live somewhere else.

    tic shop.

    Buy from us! Give us to serve you!quot; And once you ered one of t  you to leave t easily.

    All tion of titious mind.

    I o say to you:  in begging.

    You tain to God not by begging but by knowing.

    Also, never believe hers say.

    Someone may tained -- it is possible of course -- so dont disbelieve eit is superstition too.

    Neither believe nor disbelieve.

    If someone comes along and says tained God, say, quot;Congratulations.

    God e to you, alloo find him.

    But kindly dont show me.

    Let me find herwise I will remain a cripple.


    If you are carried to a destination someone o, you will arrive as a cripple.

    Feet groronger by walking.

    Reacination is not so important, tant t traveler becomes stronger in t.

    Attaining somet as important as transformation of ttained.

    God, knohings.

    t of time of effort and sadhana.

    It is like timate flower ws own.

    But if you go to t you ic flowers.

    t longer.

    You just need to dust t longer and create deception too.

    But reet can be fooled; t you cant be deceived because you boughem yourself.

    For real floo put in effort, one o raise ts.

    t brought in.


    Care for t and tself.

    But we are in a hurry.

    e say, quot;Forget t; just give us t;

    Sometimes  solve tic problem, tic book and e it down.

    Even tely rig is totally wrong.

    follo? ely rigten five -- and tten five.

    But do you see tole it from t difference does it make  from ta or the Koran?

    Even t is not tal difference.

    tion is not finding tion is not arriving at five, tion is learning o arrive at the sum.

    And t learn t.

    learn tic,  the answer.

    And so, if you o it -- tolen from the book.

    t alive.

    An alive religion comes into being by living it, not by stealing anshe back of some book.

    But hieves.

    e scold little c to steal.

    teac clear t udents must not look for ans t steal t if o ask olen or not, it would seem all olen as well.


    All lifes ansolen.

    From stolen answers one can never find peace or joy.

    Joy is attained by going their own.

    t borrowed.

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