Well we all had our Willie。。。

类别:文学名著 作者:唐纳德·巴塞尔姆 本章:Well we all had our Willie。。。

    ell s all   you can do is Spare Some Change?

    So ook our illie amp; ade records doo t and sad illie amp; ade songs on portable players for ts of ty, t-looking dogs and filthy, sick pigeons.

    And I t probably one day illie or ade o c, see  record t person was playing.

    And probably illie (or ade)  ease around c, saying quot;; to t one, and ands in ten minutes, screams like a c say to t guy, quot;; and smile, cause strange t bot.

    And I t Id probably go up to illie t ell  my friend t died, and  about it at time, and  it no;I kno;

    And I s along t cannon in t t didnt  any more, and ;Sure I did.quot; And Id say, quot;You ever one?quot; and ;Sure I ;

    And Id say, quot;illie, dont ttle fuzzy sers on t; And o me, quot;tner, but I dont let on.quot;

    And t;take care, good buddy,quot; and leave t ting patiently in all time, and I inue to treasure, all my life,  contributions.

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