Financially, the paper is quite healthy

类别:文学名著 作者:唐纳德·巴塞尔姆 本章:Financially, the paper is quite healthy

    Financially, te imberlands, mining interests, pulp and paper operations, book, magazine, corrugated-box, and greeting-card divisions, film, radio, television, and cable companies, and data-processing and satellite-communications groups are all flourisurn on invested capital increasing at about eleven per cent a year. Compensation of t-paid officers and directors last year ively, exclusive of profit-sharing and pension-plan accruals.

    But top management is discouraged and saddened, and middle management is drinking too muc raises, but traditional emblems of energy and o display odd, unattractive lines. At every level, even doo tly y folded-paper caps, people  management to stop  is doing before it is too late.

    t mac t about it. t like t t infrequently, tive editor alled one- over tting and groaning. Recently tock tables every day for a iced, no one complained.

    Middle management op management to alter its course. top management dated guarantees, on a sliding scale. ties commemorating ers file tories as usual, but if tain kinds of stories t run. A small example: t run a oll story after Labor Day t time since 1926 no oll story appeared in ter Labor Day (and total  a record, a substantial one).

    Some elements of taff are not depressed. tive real-estate editor ain of ideas, and ions, full of color pictures of desirable living arrangements, are cising and make t, fat, fat, fat. More food ers ers, and more furniture ers, and more plant ers. t, skat, cribbage, domino, and vingt-et-un columnists are very popular.

    tors Caucus o middle management for relief, and  (but middle management s breat breakfast). top managements polls say t sixty-five per cent of t; movies,quot; and feasibility studies are being conducted. top management acknoaurants, t to quot; moviesquot; but insists t morality cannot be legislated. ted (s from tex division) so t treets.

    torials racted to texas Instruments, and tuaries to Nabisco, so t taff ime to t; turning out language lessons (quot;Yo temo que Isabel no venga,quot; quot;I am afraid t Isabel  comequot;). t page on tuesday. tory  ran rig to troublesome-tory, ures.

    top management o stop  is doing -- not no soon, soon. A cra il the sun comes up.

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