类别:文学名著 作者:查尔斯·兰姆 本章:SANITY OF TRUE GENIUS

    SO far from tion rue, t great  (or genius, in our modern est s, on trary, o  ers. It is impossible for to conceive of a mad Sness of , by alent is o ood, manifests itself in ties. Madness is tionate straining or excess of any one of t;So strong a ,quot; says Coical friend,<u></u>

    quot;----did Nature to   overcame,

    like the heavenly moon did show,

    tempering t mig;

    take is, t men, finding in tures of try a condition of exaltation, to e a state of dreaminess and fever to t. But true poet dreams being a . In tive pat intoxicated. reads t dismay;   self-loss t;and old nig; Or if; abandoning o t severer c;uned,quot; ent ao e mankind (a sort of madness) imon, neit madness, nor t t,never letting t o do so, -- ter genius still  suggesting saner counsels, or  steions.  to recede from y, ruest to it. From beyond ture if ences, es to tency. ifully loyal to t sovereign directress, even o betray and desert ribes submit to policy; ers are tamed to  ributes of flesill t to submit to European vesture. Caliban, tcrue to ture (ours , and Macbet and ttle s are differenced; t if tter tle from nature or actual existence, toms are lamares. t create, ions are not active -- for to be active is to call someto act and form -- but passive, as men in sick dreams. For tural, or someto ure, tural. And if t tal ions reatment of subjects out of nature, or transcending it, t mig ran riot, and a little onized: but even in t ure -- s inconsequence,  genius in ;maddest fits,quot; as ito any one t is acquainted ed some ty or ty years back, -- ty intellectual viands of till a ritious poms, -- ossed,quot; s, t incidents, tent cers, or no-cers, of some te love intrigue e betreets more beions o, not names and places is familiar; tring of activities  purpose, of purposes destitute of motive : --  poms in our knoasy only cened. In t  all, for te not of t;; But in ture, and tions,  ed ground. turns life into a dream; to t dreams gives ties of every day occurrences. By ile art of tracing tal processes it is effected,  po explain, but in t  in t form of a miser, is tals, and becomes treasures of ter, Ambition, before ers of tantalus, e  impertinently, in tream -- t  in treasures, at t at t in  once, ing mutations of t rambling dream, and our judgment yet all time ao detect t y  in  seeming. aberrations.

    It is not enougo say t tions in sleep; it is, in some sort -- but  t romantic of us, t ertained all nigacle of some  vision, recombine it in try it by . t  so co, y ion, s  in sleep, a monster for a god. But transitions in t as violent as in t extravagant dream, and yet t ratifies them.

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