SAND AND FOAM(third part)

类别:文学名著 作者:纪伯伦 本章:SAND AND FOAM(third part)

    Yes, t is in leading your so a green pasture, and in putting your co sleep, and in ing t line of your poem.

    e chem.

    Sadness is but a wo gardens.

    the world becomes small.

    Desire is h.

    tterest todays sorroerdays joy.

    to me, quot;You must needs c ;

    And I say to t;I s of t. For I kno t e but one poem, and it scans perfectly, and it also rly.quot;

    Fait whinking.

    you s only for desire; and you s for greater t.

    If you reveal your secrets to t blame to trees.

    ters dreams related at t table of the angels.

    Said a skunk to a tube-rose, quot;See ly I run, ;

    Said tube-rose to t;O noble s runner, please run sly!quot;

    turtles can tell more about roads than hares.

    Strange t creatures  backbones  shells.

    t talkative is t intelligent, and tor and an auctioneer.

    Be grateful t you do not o live doh of an uncle.

    But above all be grateful t no one h.

    Only wco me.

    the envious praises me unknowingly.

    Long o give you birth.

    thers longing.

    My fat me.

    And I ed a mot nighe sea.

    Some of our cifications and some are but our regrets.

    comes and you too are dark, lie doh a will.

    And and up and say to t;I am still dark.quot;

    It is stupid to play a role  and the day.

    t you.

    tain veiled in mist is not a ree in t a weeping willow.

    Beo one anoto either.

    ood a clear mirror before you, you gazed into me and saw your image.

    t;I love you.quot;

    But in truth you loved yourself in me.

    ceases to be a virtue.

    Love w always springing is always dying.

    You cannot  at time;

    For youtoo busy living to knooo busy seeking itself to live. You may sit at your ccoute to hand.

    And you may say in your innocence, quot;;

    But sen a of eac.quot;

    Once every s Jesus of tian in a garden among talk long; and eacime Jesus of Nazareto Jesus of tian, quot;My friend, I fear we s;

    May God feed t!

    A great man her forbears.

    Sell a lie  ts is too small for o leave it for larger space?

    Beery sealed h seven seals.

    aiting is time.

    if trouble sern wall of your house?

    You may forget t never t.

    t be sometrangely sacred in salt. It is in our tears and in the sea.

    Our God in  ear.

    You are but a fragment of your giant self, a mout seeks bread, and a blind  y mouth.

    If you  a cubit above race and country and self you would indeed become godlike.

    If I  find fault  loide.

    It is a good sain is able; it is only your stomac is in disorder.

    S upon a cloud you  see try and anotone between a farm and a farm.

    It is a pity you cannot sit upon a cloud.

    Seven centuries ago seven o te summit of tain. One of tc said, quot;I see a black spot on t;

    today t valley tell of seven black doves  of tain.

    In tumn I gathem in my garden.

    And o iful floher flowers.

    And my neigo beo me, quot;umn comes again, at seeding time,  give us of t we may ;

    It is indeed misery if I stretcy o men and receive not it is retco receive.

    I long for eternity because t my unten poems and my unpainted pictures.

    Art is a step from nature toe.

    A  is a mist carved into an image.

    Even t make croter than idle hands.

    Our most sacred tears never seek our eyes.

    Every man is t of every king and every slave t ever lived.

    If t-grandfat was  ood in awe of himself?

    as the love of Mary for Jesus?

    t yet recorded in t t   hough conquered.

    Crucified One, you are crucified upon my ; and t pierce your .

    And tomorro kno two bled here.

    the blood of one man.

    You may ain.

    It is t mountain in our world.

    S you o descend and be  valley.

    t is ain.

    Every t I  free by my deeds.

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